Monthly / Annually
Number of License(s):
Monthly / Annually
Agency Va’s Pilot program is exactly what we needed. We had become overwhelmed with new business, cert requests, and re-shops. They have a specialist in each category we needed help with. So rather than hire a generalist and hope they work out, we were able to hire multiple specialists who have already been trained in the fields where we needed immediate help.
Number of License(s):
Monthly / Annually
Aware that the population of harbour porpoises of the Baltic Sea has drastically decreased,
Concerned about the status of small cetaceans in the Baltic and North Seas,
Recognizing that by-catches, habitat deterioration and disturbance may adversely affect these populations,
Convinced that their vulnerable and largely unclear status merits immediate attention in order to improve it and to gather information as a basis for sound decisions on management and conservation
Number of License(s):